How to Make Music at Home
“I’m young, I’m wild, I’m free…I’ve got the magic
power of the music in me.” – Triumph
My Story and How to Make Music at Home
I started blogging in 2022 when I discovered that I no longer loved my nine to five. I started creating YouTube channels to try to earn some extra income but that’s a difficult task and then you can only earn ad revenue. Then, I started watching YouTube videos for side hustles and that isn’t practical, either. Fiverr also turned out to be a difficult nut to crack. Then, one day I found Adam Enfroy, a blogger who has made his blog a business and, finally, something made sense to me. Take his Masterclass and you’ll see what I mean.
From the Beginning
My real story doesn’t start there. I’ve been a computer graphic artist since 1986, the year after I graduated from high school, starting out on the 9-inch, monochrome monitor, Macintosh Plus (upgraded from a 512k) working at a service bureau in the River North section of Chicago. I gained experience as a keen troubleshooting wiz, navigating the treacherous world of fonts, WYSIWYG, etc. creating a nice foundation for the next phase of my career, Package design. I started freelancing for a firm specializing in consumer packaged goods not far from my old job, who were one of the first clients I serviced.
After two years there, I moved on to a large company specializing in pre-media or pre-press, quickly becoming adept at the Adobe catalog of products including Photoshop and Illustrator, long before the former became a verb for retouching.
During the time I started as a graphic artist, a role that began, actually, in high school where we operated a real working print shop with stem to stern operations from typesetting and photography to printing and bindery and everything between. That’s also when I began my other journey as a singer in a rock and roll band. And, I still am. The band is Hi Infidelity, from the Chicago area, and we cover songs of 80s by bands like Journey, REO Speedwagon, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Foreigner and Boston.
When COVID-19, essentially, stopped the entertainment world, the music community took to online video blogging and music video collaborations. That led me to take a deep dive into the world of digital audio recording and all that goes into making your home a recording studio, as well as, a video production studio.
That led me to look at SEO and, more so, to YouTube and Google (and, to a lesser extent, Facebook and Instagram) as THE search engines of choice. Search Google for anything, informational or transactional and YouTube for, of course, video content. That led me to Adam and his “Blog Growth Engine” and it explained blogging in a way that I’d never thought of.
Not that I’d ever really thought about it, at all, but I’d been watching videos about affiliate marketing for the better part of 6 months but could never get started because almost everyone I watched said to pick your passion as your niche. Music and baseball have always been my passion but I wasn’t an expert in any particular way other than I knew I could sing and I knew a lot of statistics. Can’t sell those as part of a niche.
But, “Blog Growth Engine” says don’t pick your passion. Find out what people need an answer for or a solution to a problem and write about that. You don’t have to be an expert in anything, you just have to be more of an expert than MOST people to help them solve a problem. So, I’ve decided on both. Music is my passion, but I’ve never been someone who can reel off the model names of all of the mics I’ve ever used. But, I’ve found with Google and YouTube, I can sure help out others who have a need: A need for information or a need for products.
This website will be a combination of a lot of the things I do every week on my YouTube channel, “Classic Rock Covers and Videos” including the weekly “Great Cover Song Series” where I cover a new song every week that I record at home, as well as, film the video.
Personal Life
In June 2018, I was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s Disease. Two years later, I married the woman of my dreams, who knew of my diagnosis before we were dating and still agreed to go out with and then marry me. Lucky guy, for sure! She is the best thing to happen to me. To be financially independent before PD takes hold of me and our lives is paramount to me, so we can live the life we deserve while we still can.
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